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High yields combined with INDUTAR technology

Atualizado: 26 de ago. de 2021

A success story with the brand that produces results

We were in Guarapuava, in the southern region of Paraná, where German colonization predominates. The city is 256 km away from Curitiba, capital of the state and one of the most technological regions in agriculture in Brazil. In addition to technology, the region is also hospitable and has an architecture that keeps intact the arrival of its ancestors, the Swabian people of the Danube, from Germany. In 1951 the immigrants settled in the region and in the District of Entre Rios they founded the Cooperativa Agroindustrial Agrária. Today, Agrária is one of the largest cooperatives in the country in receiving grain and also operates the largest brewery in Latin America. With the commitment to keep the culture of its people alive, the Swabi-Brazilian Cultural Foundation was created, a collection with more than 5000 objects belonging to the pioneers who built the roots of this region.

Agriculture so present and increasingly technified is the scenario for the high productivity of crops such as soybeans and especially corn. Knowledge, information and investment are responsible for the region to stand out at the national level and rural producers can thus guarantee good productive results with a high technological standard in action, that is, agricultural implements that contribute to such a result. to a favorable climate.

Thus, we got to know the Reinhofer Group, a large agribusiness producer that is linked to Indutar, through the MAGNA Corn Head and the KATRINA F5 Knife Roller. Bruno Reinhofer is the group's administrator and told how he got to know the products, the first one was Katrina: “I had seen how it works in other properties and was interested, and with us it had the same positive behavior within the group's areas,” he said. The first uses of the knife roller were in pre-coverings (forage turnip, oats and plant mix) of main crops, such as soybeans and corn. Bruno emphasizes the importance of making the rollover at the right time: “We learned well the ideal moments for Katrina's entry into the field, and this undoubtedly results in production gains and care for the land,” he pointed out.

Acquiring KATRINA and confirming its potential made the Reinhofers also opt for the 24 rows Magna Higher Corn Head. With an expressive area, the group dedicates ¼ to corn planting and we accompany the end of the grain harvest. Bruno highlighted that MAGNA collects less straw at harvest time and that it was also possible to notice the decrease in fuel consumption. "We have already noticed a satisfactory performance and quality, in this first harvest with her here" concluded.

At the Reinhofer group, the entire process, from preparation for sowing in the soil to harvesting, involves the technology of Indutar's products, ensuring that the region of Guarapuava continues to stand out in agricultural modernization, while keeping the history of its ancestors alive.

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